Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Teen No Experience

I was walking through a high school last week to talk with someone who worked during the day as a middle-school administrator.

The halls were dotted with teenagers, young and barely adult.

They looked at me, what are you doing here, with your visitor badge during times that parents aren't usually visiting. I was definitely out of place, and I felt the sneer of teenage condescension and the judging gazes of jocks and cheerleaders.

It's been years since I was in high school, and even though I was past all that, had a whole life lived between then and now I still felt shamed or inferior to them, at least to the beautiful and hip ones. I was not one of the beautiful and hip ones. My teen years were awkward, tentative and tinged with insecurity.

Yet their experiences are so limited at this point - they have all the arrogance and cock to know they are about to inherit the world, and have yet to learn how to have a proper orgasm. Their sexual explorations to this point probably consist of handjobs on the couch during "Lost," finger-gropes in the back seat of mom's SUV, and clumsy premature ejaculations after school on the silk covers.

They don't yet have tits, their asses are barely there, haven't been lived in - and they don't know how to think outside their erections.

These late teens (for our purposes all 18 + one week old) are fucking machines, not yet oiled or broken in. There will be a world of mistakes, laughs, heartbreaks and pity-fucks in their sexual histories. Me, out of place walking the linoleum halls, felt the sexual kinky rush of having been full of hormones then and unable to contain, discover or practice with it all.

I walked these halls, snickering at the parents, unable to visualize them naked, let alone putting cock to pussy, let alone them wanting to.

These kids had no idea what I knew - that I had been married and divorced, had a handful of careers, made art and tried to fuck every time like I meant it. There'd been pussy and cock, and a 1000 orgasms and 1400 ejaculations. I've lasted all night, or cum in 20 seconds, licked assholes and fingered her to screaming, I've blown and been blown.

My cock is hard, soft, hairy and waiting. Your pussy is firm, wet, dry and throbbing. They're just playing. I've lived it, we all do as we collect notches.

These beautiful teens, full of potential, full of hope, full of curiousity, will discover that the script they have in their head isn't being followed. The other characters in the play will surprise, delight or disappoint them.

They will walk down the hallways and see someone else with potential, someone who hasn't made the mistakes they made. Are making.

If they're lucky, they'll still remember those mistakes fondly.

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