Friday, August 28, 2009

Fucking The Alien

Occasionally I've found myself in bed with someone I didn't really know. Sure, I knew her name, and the general specifics, but it wasn't like it was a long and intimate getting-to-know-you process. We ended up with our pants off and dicks in pussies.

We fuck before we think. At least we try to. But ultimately we have to be ourselves, be charming, try to impress and convey ourselves as solid, sane, responsible (I brought protection), and worth the trouble.

We're trying to get to know the other person as well as possible; at least, in a deep and physical manner not normally enjoyed in polite company.

Who the fuck is she? I don't care, I just want to get off, I think. I want to cum inside her.

Eventually, we find someone we spend lots of time with. It may be our significant other, we may marry them, and spend years fucking each other, doing the same thing over and over, doing new and experimental things to keep it interesting. Sharing those deep fetishes we always wanted to try, and we're finally comfortable enough with the other person to share, to try, to not freak them out.

You want me to dress as a nurse? You want me to sing what?

Often, though, we still don't know how she'll respond. Will she understand? Will she laugh in my face? If I'm vulnerable, will she reciprocate? Or will she look at me like I'm crazy? Like I'm from another planet?

Those star-crossed moments are fleeting and rare. The actual eye-to-eye "I get you" moments, in which it is magic, both of us are on the same wavelength, we're both in love, both laughing, both about to cry, both into it and getting off, one on top, the other underneath, rocking, humping...

More often, I'm doing what she wants or she's doing what I want. It's give and take and there are rules. The mindless roller-coaster sex is good when it happens but I get lost in the moment and forget to enjoy who I'm with - in the orgasmic explosion.

She doesn't know what I'm thinking.

It doesn't last long. If there's a hole that's wet and she's willing to show it and share it, I'm in. But she might as well be an alien to me, I don't know her and she doesn't know me. But fuck she feels good naked.

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